
If you want to add a new algorithm, example, feature, report or fix a bug, please open an issue on GitHub. We'd love to have you involved in any capacity!

If you are interested in contributing to posteriors, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repo from GitHub and clone it locally:
    git clone
    cd posteriors
  2. Install the development dependencies and pre-commit hooks:
    pip install -e '.[test, docs]'
    pre-commit install
  3. Add your code. Add your tests. Update the docs if needed. Party on!
    New methods should list build, state, init and update at the top of the module in order.
  4. Check any changes in the docs render nicely:
    mkdocs serve
    and navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.1
  5. Make sure to run the tests and linter:
    python -m pytest
    pre-commit run --all-files
  6. Commit your changes and push your new branch to your fork.
  7. Open a pull request on GitHub.


Feel free to open a draft PR to discuss changes or get feedback.

  1. For more docs info check out mkdocs-material