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Getting Started


Install from PyPI with pip:

pip install posteriors

Why UQ?𝞡

Uncertainty quantification allows for informed decision making by averaging over multiple plausible model configurations rather than relying on a single point estimate. Thus providing a coherent framework for detecting out of distribution inputs and continual learning.

For more info on the utility of UQ, check out our blog post introducing posteriors!

Quick Start𝞡

posteriors is a Python library for uncertainty quantification and machine learning that is designed to be easy to use, flexible and extensible. It is built on top of PyTorch and provides a range of tools for probabilistic modelling, Bayesian inference, and online learning.

Enough smalltalk, let's train a simple Bayesian neural network using posteriors:

from torchvision.datasets import MNIST
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from torch import nn, utils, func
import torchopt
import posteriors

dataset = MNIST(root="./data", transform=ToTensor(), download=True)
train_loader =, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
num_data = len(dataset)

classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(28 * 28, 64), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(64, 10))
params = dict(classifier.named_parameters())

def log_posterior(params, batch):
    images, labels = batch
    images = images.view(images.size(0), -1)
    output = func.functional_call(classifier, params, images)
    log_post_val = (
        -nn.functional.cross_entropy(output, labels)
        + posteriors.diag_normal_log_prob(params) / num_data
    return log_post_val, output

transform =
    log_posterior, torchopt.adam(), temperature=1 / num_data
)  # Can swap out for any posteriors algorithm

state = transform.init(params)

for batch in train_loader:
    state = transform.update(state, batch)

  • build is a function that loads config_args into the init and update functions and stores them within the transform instance. The init and update functions then conform to a preset signature allowing for easy switching between algorithms.
  • state is a NamedTuple encoding the state of the algorithm, including params and aux attributes.
  • init constructs the iteration-varying state based on the model parameters params.
  • update updates the state based on a new batch of data.

We've here used but we could easily swap to any of the other posteriors algorithms such as posteriors.laplace.diag_fisher or posteriors.sgmcmc.sghmc

I want more!

The Visualizing VI and SGHMC tutorial provides a walkthrough for a simple example demonstrating how to use posteriors and easily switch between algorithms.

posteriors expects log_posterior to take a certain form, learn more in the constructing log posteriors page.

Our API documentation provides detailed descriptions for all of the posteriors algorithms and utilities.


The internals of posteriors rely on optree to apply functions across arbitrary PyTrees of tensors (i.e. TensorTrees). For example:

params_squared = optree.tree_map(lambda x: x**2, params)
will square all the tensors in the params, where params can be a dict, list, tuple, or any other PyTree.

posteriors also provides a posteriors.flexi_tree_map function that allows for in-place support:

params_squared = optree.flexi_tree_map(lambda x: x**2, params, inplace=True)
In this case, the tensors of params are modified in-place, without assigning extra memory.


Instead of using torch's more common loss.backward() style automatic differentiation, posteriors uses a functional approach, via torch.func.grad and friends. The functional approach is easier to test, composes better with other tools and importantly for posteriors it makes for code that is closer to the mathematical notation.

For example, the gradient of a function f with respect to x can be computed as:

grad_f_x = torch.func.grad(f)(x)
where f is a function that takes x as input and returns a scalar output. Again, x can be a dict, list, tuple, or any other PyTree with torch.Tensor leaves.


Compose posteriors with wonderful tools from the torch ecosystem

Additionally, the functional transform interface used in posteriors is strongly inspired by frameworks such as optax and blackjax.

As well as other UQ libraries fortuna, laplace, numpyro, pymc and uncertainty-baselines.